UPFit Course - Junior

Day One

08:45 AM
Review: Stretching and Muscle gun Techniques
09:00 AM
Muscle gun assisted Stretching techniques
10:30 AM
Case Study and Discussion
11:30 PM
Stretching Plan
01:30 PM
Lower limp Combo Stretching Techniques
02:30 PM
Upper limp Combo Stretching Techniques
03:30 PM
PNF stretching techniques and methods

Day Two

08:45 AM
Demonstration and explanation of common fascial release techniques
09:00 AM
Fascial release techniques
10:30 AM
MET muscle energy technique theory
11:30 PM
Shoulder and Neck MET technique
01:30 PM
02:30 PM
Lower Limp MET technique
03:30 PM

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